Introducing the Samuel STL-500, 720kg tensioning force battery operated plastic strapping tool for polyester
and polypropylene. A well-balanced tool designed to be easily operated. These tools are available to run
12mm, 16mm and 19mm up to 1mm strapping and operate in both horizontal and vertical congurations.

The STL-500 is Melbpacks flagship battery strapping tool, built by Samuel in the USA the STL-500 is the most robust tool on the market. Built for the US harsh, brick, timber, cotton and steel industry. You can purchase the STL-500 online at our MPSpack website

Ergonomically designed

The US Patented electric feedwheel design aims to reduce hand and wrist fatigue. This allows a wider range of users the ability to safely and comfortably operate the STL-500 over a long period of time.

Rugged build
With a base plate build from a solid piece of Aluminium and an impact resistant plastic shell, the STL-500 is the most drop resistant and rugged tool on the market for demanding environments.

Reduce downtime
Featuring a vibration dampening belt drive and heavy duty exterior combined with Samuel USA’s parts, the STL-500 aims to minimize costly downtime on maintenance.


STL-500 Advantages

  • 720KG Tension
  • Rugged tool design and info
  • Designed and assembled in the USA by Samuel


LED Interface

The STL-500 offers a simple but reliable and drop resistant interface.
Settings are displayed on the well protected LED interface whilst
advanced options are done through the STL connected app.
Buttons give a tactile press felt by operators.


Servo Feedwheel Lift

The US Patented electric feedwheel design aims to reduce hand
and wrist fatigue. This allows a wider range of users the ability
to safely and comfortably operate the STL-500 over a long
period of time.

Unlock True Power

The STL-500 is the most powerful 12-19mm tool on the market.
It is the ideal choice to tightly strap heavy products; including
brick, timber and steel.

Heavy Duty Base Plate
The STL-500 is fitted with a curved baseplate which is machined
from solid Aluminium. This offers the internal components extra
protection from bump and drop damage.

Heavy Duty Plastic Shell
The plastics chosen for the STL-500 are of superior quality.
It has unique strength while affording enough flexibility to absorb
drops and protect the internals while keeping the casing intact.

Unique Belt Drive
The STL-500 is the only twin shaft belt drive tool, the belt drive
reduces vibration and maintenance on the tool. Over time, the
tool suffers fewer effects of harsh vibration.



Technical data:

Strap Size:16-19mm
Strap Gauge:A: 0.5mm – 1MM (Normal version)
B: 0.7mm – 1.3MM (By request)
Nett Weight:4.3kg
Charger: Samuel 20v
BatteryLG LI-ion 20V MAX

Warranty info
The STL-500 Strap Tool comes with a 12 Month manufacturer’s warranty.



Do you stock parts for these?
Yes we stock all parts for this tool.